
Newspaper Headline from The Sentinel Record by Cassidy Kendall

"From enduring Nazi Germany in their early years to battling cancer and COVID-19 later in life, Linda and Horst Fischer have lived - for better or worse - through nearly 58 years of marriage, which she has now chronicled in a new book.
'My wish has been granted; we have reached a ripe old age and I hope that our examples will give strength and perseverance to those who will read our story. Never give up, work through the knockdowns and always believe in yourself,' is the message she shares with readers of her book,
For Better or Worse: A Tale of Love and Devotion.
Spanning from 1939-2020, the book talks about the hardships the Fischers overcame time and time again. 'But each time we picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off, and continued,' Linda Fischer said.
Both having grown up in Nazi Germany, hardships started at a young age for both of them. Because she was born in what is now the Czech Republic, at 5 years old, Linda Fischer was placed in a concentration camp with her mother and sister for a short time. 'I remember that vividly, and I wrote...'"

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A tale of love and devotion that carried one couple from the horrors of the Nazi takeover to the Russian internment camps and eventually to the greater freedom of the European elite, and into the United States where they made a life for themselves along with raising their own children and providing a home for others. Now retired, this book is a touching memoir to be passed down to their family.